Discover Your 'Why' for AI.
Uncertain about AI's value for your business? Our AI Business Case Design service helps you discover your justification for AI in just 8 weeks.
In 2 Months, You'll Have:
A pilot roadmap & change management plan.
Why Our Approach:
Our 8 Week Approach:
1. Define the problem
Root cause and stakeholder analysis.
2. Generate and refine options
Ideation, refinement, prioritisation.
3. Assess feasibility and desirability
Criteria development and evaluation.
4. Estimate return on investment
Indicative cost assessment, benefit definition, strategic alignment.
5. Assess preliminary risks
Data, ethics, technology, people risks and mitigation plan.
6. Plan AI pilot roadmap
Roadmap for real-world testing.
7. Design the change management plan
Human-centric change plan.
8. Endorse the Business Case
Document & sign-off Business Case.
Our Mission
Empowering leaders so their AI adoption delivers organisational prosperity with positive people.
What We Do
Our AI Business Case and Change leadership services help UK organisations stay ahead of the competition, enhance productivity, and drive innovation through AI adoption.